The strategy to hit your goals!

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The strategy to hit your goals!

Posted by: Primoz Lazar
Category: Dream building
Here is the most important thing in business (also in running an online business!) …
You have to have a goal toward which you would like to be moving…
Some people achieve a certain milestone and their goal is to stay there and keep sustaining it, which is ok!
But, many of us are driven for more – we find joy in progression, accumulating, and compounding.
So, how do you manifest your desires, and achieve your goals, follow my guideline:

STEP 1: Getting clear on your ultimate goal

Your first step is to get clear on what do you want! Aim high and become passionate about your goal.
It could be financial, personal, professional, materialistic, you get my point. Make sure that you can measure it, so it’s going to be obvious when you achieve it.
Keep it in your mind and always know about it… Get it close to your heart, so when you ask yourself about your goals, you always know the answer!

STEP 2: Building a strategy of how you will come there

Break down your goal and create a set of milestones that you will need to pass on your way toward achieving your goal.
The game is one step by step. Focus on achieving your first milestone first!!! Don’t think the big picture, as it will give you the impression that you are not achieving anything.
When strategizing, use the help of someone who has already achieved it and knows the best way to come there! (P.S. if you want to grow and expand your online coaching, consulting, servicing business and want to increase your client inflow – DM me and I will give you suggestions on your best strategy to use)

STEP 3: Execution

This is the part where everyone fails! Execution!
People start and because they don’t get immediate results, they give up! And their desire is not huge enough so they would sustain!
Everyone rather settles down and continues staying in the comfort zone of stagnation… Don’t worry, you don’t need to be the same, follow these guidelines and win it!
So, to execute well, break down your milestones into repeatable execution tasks! Think about what are the tasks that will generate results for you!
And then do those tasks every month, week, and day! Have a daily routine and do the work!
The discipline will get you moving! Consistency is key, and the longer that you persevere, the easier it’s going to become, you will become stronger and the results will show up…

STEP 4: Accountability and adjustments

On the journey it won’t all go well, you will want to give up. When this happens, you got to get up, sleepover and launch again.
Sometimes you will get stuck and I don’t want you to keep hitting with your head into the wall, but you will need to adjust the plan, but don’t change the goal.
Even if you delay yourself for a few days, as long as you accomplish the tasks, you will still move forward!
Try to align yourself with the group of like minded people who have the same goals that you have and hold yourself accountable and share opinions, ideas, and support yourself.

STEP 5: Don’t change your goal but stick to it!

As I already mentioned, don’t ever change the goal, you can change the strategy of how you will get there, make it smoother, easier, or whatever, but don’t ever give up on your dreams.
If there is someone else that believes in your dreams and goals, it’s me!
But if you don’t back it up with actions, the right character, and discipline, you won’t only disappoint me, but also yourself!
Know one thing, many people said to me on this 5-year transformational journey, that I went through, to stop my horses, get myself a real job, be patient, work for someone else, life is cruel – get used to it.
They wanted me to settle down and give up on my dreams (because my failure was affecting them as well, and they felt the pain)!
So, they did not believe in my higher vision – but, because I kept believing in myself, I broke through! And, now I am able to live my own freedom.
Hey, I believe in you!
Author: Primoz Lazar

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