Had a vacation week

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Had a vacation week

Posted by: Primoz Lazar
Category: Primoz's life path
Do you know the feeling of when you are not satisfied at your current situation and feel empty inside no matter what do you do …
but you have a vision – you have a goal!
And it’s clear to you that if you only get there,
your world would open up and you would live your dream ideal lifestyle!
I’ve been chasing this dream for a few years now and I haven’t come there quite yet!
I haven’t had many vacations, I have always lived on the edge,
taking care of myself,
working on my business with not much of support from others or anyone around me really.
(I still had many indirect customers, partners, colleagues, passive friends who I interacted with) …
I needed to found my own way!
But when you go through this kind of experience and have bigger goals than anyone around you
– someday you recognize and it clicks for you –
you feel on inside how different but new you are.
You have a new view on the world and yourself.
You have a knowledge and a solution that worked on yourself!
It’s self evident that you are on a verge of a new life.
I’ve taken the photos above last week, when suddenly the world shut down – everyone got locked into their cells because of the virus and outside was the most beautiful sunny weather.
I decided to go out and take my day off, to connect to my soul and to rejuvenate (I don’t want to lie, I went out more than once, actually a few times – it felt like a holiday week!)
And now, I am back in my office working on a plan, don’t have intention to take time off for a while – but only to work 6 days a week, until the goal that I am working on is achieved, systems are built, results are manifested and solutions are provided to myself and my clients! Heh 😊
Author: Primoz Lazar

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